Foreign Jobs

New Zealand Accredited Employer Work VISA Jobs 2024

When their abilities are commonplace in their country of origin, even the most gifted employees may be underpaid and undervalued. However, what if there were a location where those coveted abilities were exceedingly demanded? A highly advantageous prospect for proficient individuals seeking to bolster their professional and financial positions is the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) program in New Zealand. The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) program in New Zealand provides the opportunity for highly skilled foreign workers to demonstrate their value by filling critical labor shortages.

An exhaustive outline of the AEWV is presented in this manual, encompassing its eligibility criteria, application procedure, and additional aspects. Therefore, are you prepared to realize your ambition of working in New Zealand? Exciting opportunities are at your disposal with the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) if your skills are in high demand. Together, we shall navigate the procedure!

Check Also: Companies that Can Sponsor Visa in New Zealand

What is AEWV?

A new visa category, the AEWV, combines six preceding work visa categories into a single one. The purpose of this visa is to assist New Zealand employers in hiring skilled foreign laborers in the absence of qualified New Zealand nationals. The program prioritizes employer accreditation, conducts job reviews to verify adherence to local labor regulations, safeguards worker rights, and potentially provides avenues for obtaining residency.

Check Your Eligibility for AEWV First!

Before you begin your job search, let’s ensure that you’re a suitable fit:

  • Hot Skills: Does your industry appear on the Skill Shortage List? This is the beginning of the positive news!
  • Got the Goods? Do you possess the credentials and work experience necessary for the positions you seek?
  • Other Essentials: Expect health, character, and possibly English language examinations.

As soon as you pass the aforementioned prerequisite assessments, you will be prepared to commence your opportunity search in the manner delineated below:

Finding Those AEWV-Ready Jobs

  • Your Search HQ: Websites such as Trade Me Jobs and Seek allow users to filter for “Accredited Employer” positions.
  • Industry Insiders: Visit specialized websites in your field to discover even more targeted job opportunities.
  • Network Magic: LinkedIn is an ally to you. Seek guidance from individuals who are already employed in New Zealand about your job search there.

Additionally, you must verify the accreditation of the employer providing you with a career opportunity in New Zealand via AEWV by conducting the following checks:

Benefits of New Zealand Accredited Employer Work VISA Jobs:

  • Possibility of Employment: The Accredited Employer Work Visa grants permission to work in New Zealand for accredited employers. This phenomenon generates employment prospects across the nation’s varied sectors and industries.
  • Pathway to Residency: Possession of an Accredited Employer Work Visa may serve as a prerequisite for obtaining permanent residency in New Zealand. Individuals who have completed a designated period of employment with an accredited employer may qualify to petition for residency under a variety of visa categories, including the Work to Residence visa or the Skilled Migrant Category.
  • Flexibility: The Accredited Employer Work Visa provides employers and job roles with greater flexibility. Upon receipt, individuals are eligible to work in any capacity for the accredited employer, facilitating career advancement and innovation within the institution.
  • Family Inclusion: Visa applicants may be permitted to include dependent children or spouses as immediate family members on their visa application. This enables families to relocate to New Zealand together and take advantage of the advantages of living and working there.
  • Access to Public Services: Generally, Accredited Employer Work Visa holders and their families are granted access to healthcare and education, among other public services, in New Zealand. This guarantees their access to vital services throughout their sojourn in the nation.
  • Quality of Life: New Zealand is renowned for its impeccable environmental conditions, breathtaking natural landscapes, and robust communal bonds, all of which contribute to its exceptional quality of life. Engaging in employment in New Zealand provides individuals with the opportunity to directly witness this standard of living while also participating in outdoor pursuits such as hiking, skiing, and exploration.
  • Safe and Stable Environment: New Zealand is widely recognized for its exceptional safety and stability, which renders it an appealing location for individuals in search of a secure setting to raise a family. A stable political climate and low crime rates both contribute to an individual’s perception of security and well-being.
  • Cultural Diversity: New Zealand is a multicultural society comprised of individuals of various cultural and ethnic origins. Engaging in employment in New Zealand offers individuals the chance to engage with people of diverse cultural backgrounds, thereby promoting cultural appreciation and exchange.
  • Professional Growth: Employment with an accredited employer in New Zealand may present prospects for professional advancement and development. Employers may provide employees with mentorship opportunities, training programs, and support for professional development, thereby augmenting their employability and skill set.
  • Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is a priority in New Zealand, which places significant importance on leisure and recreational activities. Numerous employers provide generous vacation time and flexible work arrangements, enabling employees to spend time with their families and pursue personal interests and pastimes.

The Employer Check: Are They Accredited?

Get Your Paperwork Ready:

Collect the following materials in advance for your AEWV application (specifics may vary based on job type, location, and other factors):

  • ID Please: Such as a birth certificate or passport.
  • Show Your Smarts: Diplomas, references from the workplace, and a comprehensive resume.
  • Good Conduct: A police clearance attesting to your integrity as an individual.
  • Health Matters: Results of all mandatory medical examinations.
  • Language Proof: Scores on examinations (if not English is your native tongue).
  • Sealed the Deal: Your signed job offer and the accreditation information of your employer.

Submitting Your AEWV Application Online:

Online submission of an AEWV application through the dedicated portal of Immigration New Zealand is the most efficient method. By implementing this streamlined methodology, not only is the processing time reduced, but the application status can also be more easily monitored. The application process can be initiated on the website of Immigration New Zealand.

More Info

How much will AEWV cost you?

“How much will it cost?” is a frequent and crucial inquiry. The application fees differ based on the applicant’s country of origin and the particular specifications outlined in the application. To obtain a precise estimation of the expenses entailed, one may utilize the practical charge calculator furnished by Immigration New Zealand. Utilizing this instrument will assist you in estimating the fees by your specific circumstances. A fee locator can be accessed from this page to ascertain one’s financial obligations.

More Info

Processing Times: Planning Your Schedule

The processing time for an AeWV is typically around six weeks; however, this can increase or decrease based on the number of applications received and the intricacy of the case at hand. Further information regarding the processing time can be found at this location.

More Info

  1. How do I get a New Zealand work visa from Pakistan?

    Apply for this visa if you currently work or have a job offer from an accredited employer, and qualify for 6 points for your skills and work in New Zealand. You submit an expression of interest (EOI). If it is accepted, we invite you to apply.

  2. How can I get a sponsor to work in New Zealand?

    If an individual or organization wants to sponsor you, they must meet our criteria for an acceptable sponsor and provide evidence by completing a sponsorship form.

  3. How do I get a work visa for New Zealand?

    Process and costs 
    You are offered full-time work in New Zealand. You must provide an ‘Employer Supplementary Form’ completed by your employer describing the work you have been offered. 
    Apply for a work visa. Apply online, upload your documents, and pay the applicable fees. 
    We will decide on your application.

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